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Products from Musician, Composer, Producer, Author - Mark Allen Felton
Products from Musician, Composer, Producer, Author - Mark Allen Felton
Jaxxx/Jacks Myth (Paperback)

Jaxxx Myth - Paperback

Jaxxx/Jacks Myth was born in one of the roughest hospitals in the world to the parents of Weary and Payne Myth. He was raised in some high-rise projects right in the middle of ghetto America where he struggled to be somebody, anybody, on a daily basis. By the age of six he was well on his way to becoming a juvenile delinquent. About the time Jaxxx/Jacks reached high school he was  labeled a thug. After many years of struggle, a head full of grey hair, hemorrhoids, a bum knee and a stiff back, no one thought he would make it. But they were very wrong.

Be prepared to take a ride as the author transparently illustrates what happens when Jaxxx/Jacks  refuses to let any obstacles stand between him and his ambitions. Get ready to experience a bevy of emotions from hysterical laughter to tears as you embark upon Jaxxx/Jack's unpredictable journey. The author reveals in this satirical comedic story the ups and downs of what fictitious legendary musical artist Jaxxx/Jacks Myth endured while pursuing his life long dream.


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