Jaxxx Myth - Somebody's Pimpin' You! (Audiobook Novel)
(This Audiobook includes Jaxxx Myth Debut Album)
Get ready to experience an array of emotions from hysterical laughter to compassionate tears as you embark upon Jaxxx Myth's wild and unprecedented journey to becoming a musical artist. Who is Jaxxx Myth? If you ask him he'll tell you he's one of the baddest mothafu*kas that ever graced the planet.
Jaxxx Myth was born in one of the roughest hospitals in the world to the parents of Weary and Payne (pain) Myth. He was raised in some high-rise projects right in the middle of ghetto America where he struggled to be somebody, anybody, on a daily basis. By the age of six he was well on his way to becoming a juvenile delinquent.
About the time Jaxxx reached high school he was labeled a thug. After many years of struggle, I mean many, a head full of grey hair, hemorrhoids, a bum knee and a stiff back, no one thought he would make it. But they were very wrong. Come along as the author transparently illustrates what happens when Jaxxx refuses to let any obstacles stand between him and his ambitions.
Funny, engaging, empowering, and uplifting, "Jaxxx Myth - Somebody's Pimpin You!” proves that no challenge is too hard to overcome, and that anyone from anywhere can be victorious in the game of life. www.JaxxxMyth.com